Water resources management in Mexico Valley is highly inefficient due to several facts such as the lack of funds and an elevated number of stakeholders (productive sectors, civil society, administrative authorities, etc.). An inefficient management leads to water pollution, bad quality of water supply and elevated costs. For this project Creatividad y Tecnología acts as a consulting firm for IADB whose main objective is to establish an institutional and legal framework for an Integrated Water Resources Management in the basin. The new framework should include coordination and financial mechanisms as well as a clear responsibility and assignment distribution, taking into account climate change mitigation measures and forecast water supply demand for human consumption and irrigation. Main targets of the consultancy are:
- To recommend new financial schemes to guarantee the ideal operation and maintenance of hydraulic infrastructures and the services sustainability
- To promote environmental protection and preservation of natural resources
- To promote economic development through the efficient use of water and energy
- Extension: 16.424 Km2
- 100 municipalities
- 000.000 inhabitants
- Over than 40 water supply companies